The Paper Trail
"The Paper Trail" is a series of interviews with researchers who published in the Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. We ask them to tell us a bit about the background to their work, the relevance to science and society and just how it was to write the piece!
Podcasting since 2021 • 18 episodes
The Paper Trail
Latest Episodes
Een unieke vondst op het Nederlandse strand
Het is niet ongebruikelijk om op het strand restanten van mammoeten aan te treffen die meer dan tienduizend jaar geleden het gebied waar zich nu de Noordzee bevindt onveilig maakten. Dit gebeurt vooral op plekken waar zandsuppletie heeft plaats...
Season 1
Episode 18

Fault reactivation in hydrocarbon and geothermal reservoirs - differences and similarities
In a recently published paper, Loes Buijze and her co-authors meticulously describe the characteristics of onshore hydrocarbon-bearing and geothermal reservoirs in the Netherlands. Here, Loes talks about the main implications of these findings ...
Season 1
Episode 17

Jogs and steps along fault planes in the Groningen gas field might have helped prevent stronger earthquakes
In this interview, Rick Wentinck talks about a new modelling approach that simulates movement along fault planes in the Groningen gas field. The results are important, because for the first time, it has been shown that fault plane irregularitie...
Season 1
Episode 16

Turtles and seagrass - the Late Cretaceous seas were much more than just coccoliths
Master student Jelle Heere tells the story about the discovery of a mandible from a Late Cretaceous sea turtle in the Maastrichtian of Limburg. By doing so, Jelle demonstrates that the Chalk seas were much more diverse than some people may thin...
Season 1
Episode 15

Climate and stratigraphy - Predicting sand by looking at depositional cycles
Climate change is known to affect the sedimentary response of depositional systems. This has particularly been shown for lacustrine and marine environments where there is generally a lack of internal sediment dynamics that can obscure a paleo c...
Season 1
Episode 14